The plant specializes in the production of small and medium-sized batches of castings of gray, low-alloy and high-alloy pig-iron, including vermicular and spherical graphite of various grades. Our products are made for machine-building, metallurgical, mining, transport and processing enterprises. Up to 50% of our products are exported to different countries of the world.

The production capacity of the company is 3000 tons per year.

In the production structure of our enterprise there is a modern model shop equipped with CNC-equipment, which provides high-quality manufacturing of complex models in a short time.

The company operates an automatic molding line of air-impulse seal, purchased in Switzerland, with a productivity of 40 forms per hour, measuring 900x700x300. This equipment provides manufacturing of castings with minimal casting slopes, without displacements and high quality of the surface.

The ISO 9001:2015 quality management system has been implemented at “Zavod “Promlyt” LLC. This confirms the current certificate of conformity. The company has created such a documentation system that regulates all actions related to product quality. This helps to correctly build business processes and make the most optimal management decisions that affect the quality of our foundry products.

Our products are bought

Mining and dressing mills, quarries
Mining and dressing mills, quarries
Coal enterprises, mines
Coal enterprises, mines
Municipal institutions
Municipal institutions
Cement factories
Cement factories
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering